Monday, February 13, 2017

Weebly for Teachers!

In this PowerPoint, you will find a brief introduction to the website, Weebly. It is a great tool for teachers to utilize to create a classroom blog to help keep parents involved in the classroom. If appropriate for your grade, Weebly can also be used to create student accounts for your class!

Weebly Presentation


  1. Hi Cynthia!

    I loved that you presented Weebly- that was a resource that I had been exposed to but completely forgot about! I thought it was interesting how you stated how it was difficult to use at first- I completely agree. When I first used Weebly, I was so frustrated and wanted to just shut it down. However, watching you navigate made me want to give it another shot! Thanks for showing us your neat resource, and for all of the hard work that you put into your presentation!

  2. Hi Cynthia,
    I liked your choice for the presentation. I think that it was good that you had never really used Weebly before now because it enabled you to truly learn it. You mentioned that it took you a long lime to get the hang of it, but I too remember when I first learned to use it and it was difficult me as well. I think that Weebly is a great resource to use with students because it is free. The possibilities are perfect for students to have ongoing information being presented. I really like that you used your page as an example for what to do if you use this as a teacher. It seems like an easy way to display all of your information in one area. Thanks for sharing!
