- Instructional Decisions/Teaching (InTask Standard # 9): Discuss the implementation process and describe
- What went well and what didn't go well during the implementation of your lesson?
What I noticed
went well during the implementation of my lesson was that the students were
engaged and they seemed to understand the concept. The directions were simple
and easy to follow. Everyone was able to collect their data and create a bar
graph representing that dat. Something I noticed that didn’t go very well in
the lesson was that it was too easy
to follow. Even though the lesson was done with peers at a college level, I
could still tell as I went through the lesson that it may be too simple for
fifth graders. Maybe I could add another component to the data being collected
to make the bar graph a little more complicated and challenge the students.
- How well was the alignment to objectives and standards maintained?
The alignment
to the objective and standards was maintained well throughout the lesson. The
elements of a graph were reviewed and students interacted with the graphs and
were able to effectively collect data and create their own bar graphs will all
of its essential elements.
- Describe any modifications made during the implementation of the lesson.
There were
no modifications made during the implementation of the lesson. I think if I
noticed that the task was too easy for the students, I should have added
another component to the graph to give the students more of a challenge and
make use of the time provided for the lesson.
- Mechanics:
- What technologies did I use (for the teacher and the learner)?
technologies used for this lesson were the SmartBoard and laptops for the
- How were the technologies used (by whom and in what manner)?
SmartBoard was used by the teacher to show the students what a completed bar
graph should look like. The students used laptops to open a Microsoft Word document
and create their own bar graph.
- My lesson was not within the correct time frame…
I think I
already began to address this issue in earlier response, my lesson was not
within the correct time frame because I feel it was too simple and we went through
every part of the lesson quickly. My lesson ran short. I feel that it ran extra
short because it was done with my peers at a college level, but reflecting back
on my lesson and hearing my instructions said aloud, I think it would have been
too simple for the fifth grade students as well. I should make the lesson more challenging
for the students by adding another component to the bar graph and maybe compare
data collected as opposed to just collecting and recording it.
- Assessment of Learning (InTask Standard # 6): Refer to Assessing Student Learning
- Include at least 2 digital artifacts that demonstrate what you or your students (peers) have created as a result of your lesson.
- Describe your students' level of success in achieving the standards and objectives for your lesson based on your assessment.
The students
were all successful in achieving the standards and objectives for my lesson.
The ease with which they reached success in such short time is also what helped
me see that my lesson was too simple for this group of students and not very challenging.
- Describe the level of success you had in teaching the lesson
I believe
that to a certain extent my lesson was successful because it was executed well
and the objectives and standards were all met and the students were all
involved and active during the lesson.
- How do your individual reflections support this?
I believe my
individual reflections do support this, but also I think I need to acknowledge
that maybe my lesson was so successful because it wasn’t challenging enough for
the students. I should have added more and made sure the students were active
during the whole half hour that was allotted for the lesson.
- How do the comments from your classmates support this?
I believe
that the comments from my classmates support the success of the lesson because they
all reached the objective and were able to follow my directions and engage in
the lesson effectively. I did receive a few suggestions on making the lesson
more challenging, solidifying what I already thought.
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