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Lesson Plan: I. Rationale & II. Overview
Reflections: Assessing Prior Knowledge and Planning Instructions:
o What
do the students need to know prior to the lesson?
Prior to this lesson
students should be familiar with the basic concepts of laptops and how to
navigate them. For the anticipatory set the students will be using the
classroom laptops to play a review game. Students will need to be able to log
on to the laptops and navigate the internet well enough to get to the Brain Pop
website and log in to their accounts. The students would already have Brain Pop
o How
will prior knowledge and experience be assessed?
This prior knowledge would
have been taught by the classroom teacher earlier in the year and have an
ongoing assessment of the students’ experience with laptops and technology
would be monitored by the teacher whenever the laptops were used in the
o How
will you use this information in the planning process?
This information will be
used in the planning process because depending on how familiar and capable the
students are with the laptops and technology will determine whether or not this
activity would be appropriate for the class. Since this activity is a game, it
would be a good opportunity to help reinforce proper technology etiquette and
the use of laptops to help students navigate the internet and the game.
o Why
should the content of this lesson be taught at this grade level?
The content of this lesson
should be taught at this grade level because it meets the standards for phonics
for second grade and the students should have a solid enough background in
phonics to be able to understand the concept of the silent e.
o How
do the objectives that you have for the lesson align with the standards?
The objectives for this
lesson align with the standards directly because they ask the students to
complete the assignment in a way that meets the criteria of the standards. The
standard are students engaging in meaningful dialogue geared specifically
toward grade level content. By working in pairs, and creating silent e words
together, the students are engaging in meaningful dialogue appropriate to grade
level content.
o When
will the lesson be taught in the course of the school year? Why?
The lesson will be taught a
few months into the school year once students have had a chance to familiarize
themselves with the proper ways to use technology in the classroom and what the
routines and procedures for using technology in the classroom are. At this
point in time the students will also be familiar with appropriate
discussion/conversation skills when engaging in dialogue in the classroom.
Lesson Plan: III. Implementation Reflection: Designing
o Why
are you using the instructional methods you have described?
I decided to use the
instructional methods described in the lesson plan because I feel that given
the grade level and the content being taught, they would be the most
appropriate. I use Thumbs Up Thumbs down in every lesson and even with my
students at work because I feel that it is an effective and quick way to gauge
the class and see if students are following or not. I also used whole group and
partner work to bring the students together as a class and have a whole group
discussion, but I also decided to break them off into pairs to work to give
them the opportunity to engage with each other and take what we learned during
the lecture portion of the lesson and discuss it with peers.
o How
do the instructional methods align with what you know about best practices
(think about your methods classes)?
I feel that the
instructional methods I use during the lesson align with what I know about best
practices because I’ve seen them used in several of my practicum classroom and
we’ve had several assignments that have required research on best practices in
the classroom. Each method used during this lesson was either seen in a
practicum room or came up in article readings required for previous methods
o How
are you engaging students in creative and higher order thinking?
Students are being engaged
in creative and higher order thinking by having to create their own words using
the letter cards. The student will engage in dialogue with their partner and
come up with as many words as they can. Once they have found several words,
they will have to choose three and write them in a sentence using them
correctly having students not only spell the words, but also be sure of the
meaning of the word in order to use them correctly in a sentence.
Lesson Plan: IV. Assessment Reflection: Planning
o How
does the assessment align with the standards and objectives of this lesson?
The assessment aligns with
the standards and objectives of this lesson directly with the students creating
words that end in e with the letter cards and then writing three sentences
using three of the words they created. In completing the assessment, both
objectives will be met. The objectives align with the standards so as long as
the objectives are met, the students are meeting the standards addressed during
the lesson.
o How
does the assessment demonstrate that the students have been successful in
learning the content?
The assessment demonstrates
that the students have been successful in learning the content because the
assessment is tied directly to the objectives and the standards. By completing
the assessment with at least 80% accuracy the students would successfully meet
the objective and demonstrate success in learning the content.
o How
does the assessment demonstrate student engagement in higher order thinking?
The assessment demonstrates
student engagement in higher order thinking because it requires them to think
deeper about the lesson by going beyond just coming up with silent e words, but
also using them in sentences demonstrating complete understanding of the words.
o How
does the assessment demonstrate that the individual student needs were met?
The assessment demonstrates
that the individuals needs were met because the students being able to complete
the assessment shows that their needs were met throughout the lesson and they
were able to make it to the assessment successfully and complete it.
Lesson Plan: V. Materials & Resources Reflection:
o How
does your lesson meet each of the ISTE NET’s Standards?
The ISTE NET’s Standards
were met during the anticipatory set of the lesson while the students were on
the laptops. Anytime a student is using technology, especially on the internet,
the ISTE NET’s Standards are being met. If a student is to be a global digital citizen,
all standards should be met. The teacher should embed each of the standards
when teaching students how to properly utilize technology.
o How
does your lesson meet Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and
This lesson doesn’t address
the first standard specifically because the students aren’t exactly creating
any sort of artifact, but it is touched upon as the students interact on the
website Brain Pop and engage in a fun activity while practicing a academic
o How
does your lesson meet Standard 2: Provide Digital Age Learning Experiences and
Standards 2 is met anytime
a student is using technology because it is providing them with the opportunity
to experience digital age experiences through the use of technology. By
providing students with these opportunities, they are learning to become global
digital citizens.
o How
does your lesson meet Standard 3: Model Digital Age Work & Learning?
Standards 3 is met by
modeling appropriate use of technology during the lesson and then allowing
students to utilize technology independently. They are working on the laptops
and learning new content not only academically, but every time a student is
able to use technology, they become more familiar with it and learn to navigate
o How
does your lesson meet all four elements of Standard 4: Promote and Model
Digital Age Citizenship and Responsibility by:
§ advocating, modeling, and
teaching safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology,
including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate
documentation of sources.
§ addressing the diverse needs
of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access
to appropriate digital tools and resources.
§ promoting and modeling
digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of
technology and information.
§ developing
and modeling cultural understanding and global awareness by
engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital-age
communication and collaboration tools.
All four elements of
standard 4 are rooted into any lesson involving technology. Students have a
natural tendency to these types of behaviors, it is the teachers responsibility
to guide students towards these elements and emphasize them to show students
the importance of these elements when utilizing technology. By allowing students
to the chance to interact with technology, they are allowing students to build
up their familiarity with technology and the appropriate way to use it.
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